Sunday, June 24, 2012

…then my husband helped our son round the bases….

Thanks to the generosity of a friend of ours, we took Luke to his first real baseball game. Now, as a die-hard hockey family, we never dreamt that he would be nervous about going to a baseball game.  But, sure enough, when we walked through the concourse, our normally happy sports fan, sported this face:


Yup, that’s the face of a toddler who wasn’t sure if he should be enjoying this at all. 

I need to pause here and state that I don’t normally dress my son (head to toe) like a Woodstock reject, but it was 70’s night and being the hippie I am, my son has a bit of tie dye hanging in his closet.  We took a loop through the stadium and then made our way to our seats. 


Decent crowd, but not as crowded as I thought it would be.  We made our way to our seats and were relieved to see that we had a little room to spread out.  Matt went to grab us some food to munch on and the game was mostly uneventful.  Mostly because there was that one point where the entire bat flew up and landed three rows in front of us, but thankfully, no one was hurt.  Luke spent the first 6 innings snuggled up on one of us, but finally came out of his shell, even making a new friend!

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Just in time for the fireworks. 

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As soon as the first rockets red glare, he was back in Daddy’s lap like he was the last lifeboat from the Titanic.

However, they were beautiful.

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Once they were over, Luke and Matt went to go run the bases and give Johnny Chapman a highfive. 



All well that ends well!

A fun night, good food, fireworks, a TinCaps win, friends (old and new) and beautiful weather---all is well that ends well!

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