Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Bucket List


Much like blogging, I have a habit of letting the time get away from me before I even realize it.  So, in an attempt to continue the theme of accountability, I’ve made a bucket list of things I want to get done before the first day of fall.  50 seems like a nice even number, right?


  1. Make a list of 50 things to do this summer!
  2. Complete the 31 day blogging challenge
  3. Go to the botanical gardens and take pictures (solo)
  4. Go on three girl dates with friends (no boys allowed, big OR small)
  5. Send 5 handwritten letters/cards to family or friends
  6. Identify 100 things that make me happy
  7. Spend a whole day without looking at my phone
  8. Spend a whole day without tv or computer  (Thanks power outage!)
  9. Read 3 books
  10. Try 3 new foods
  11. Complete 3 random acts of kindness
  12. Bake Cupcakes (and give them out)
  13. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
  14. Go a full day without swearing
  15. Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me
  16. Clean out the guest room
  17. Hang up the curtains in the guest room
  18. Pull out the bush on the side of the house
  19. Get rid of 100 things
  20. Visit a farmers market
  21. Watch Fireworks
  22. See a parade
  23. Play in the sprinkler
  24. Blow Bubbles
  25. Eat Popsicles outside
  26. Go Swimming
  27. Have a spray bottle/squirt gun fight
  28. Play at a splash pad
  29. Make s’mores
  30. Catch fireflies
  31. Go to a festival
  32. Get family photos taken
  33. Go to a concert
  34. Go to the movies (Luke’s first trip to the movie theater!)
  35. See a drive-in movie
  36. Go to a baseball game
  37. Go to the playground
  38. Play in the rain
  39. Eat shaved ice
  40. Go to a story time
  41. Watch the Olympics
  42. Make Lemonade from scratch
  43. Make breakfast for dinner
  44. Ice Cream Sundae party
  45. Go to the library
  46. Go on 3 date nights with just us
  47. Try a new restaurant
  48. Have a candlelight dinner
  49. Plan our anniversary (weekend getaway?)
  50. Play a game together

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