So, welcome to my blog. I’m notoriously bad at maintaining blogs and such, but since I’m going to publish this one to just about everyone I know, I’m hoping that that kind of accountability will keep this going the way it needs to. Lord knows I need someone keeping me on track sometimes!
On the slight chance that you’re reading this and don’t know who I am, allow me to introduce myself:

Ok, so that’s a picture of me from High School, but if you can be impressed by a high school me, then the way I am now is going to be much more awesome. I’m almost thirty, a wife, a mom, a teacher, a photographer, a traveller, a wanna-be foodie and now, the scariest of all, a home owner. I literally have no idea what I’m doing most of the time, but making it up as I go along seems to be working thus far!

Yup, that’s me, next to the baby. Believe it or not, that’s my Luke…ignore the blonde hair and the fact that he looks nothing like me in this picture, or in most pictures, or in real life actually, he’s mine. He looks like his Dad, but that personality and temper---no one else can claim that genetic glory.
However, this picture is from last fall, before he turned one. What’s he up to these days, you ask?

Yup, my little man is almost two. I’m honestly surprised he’s still hanging around. I mean, I know he’s a toddler, but you’d think his survival instinct would have kicked in by now!
This is the wonderful guy who, for whatever reason, decided it seemed like a good idea to marry me.

I can’t even say I’m surprised he’s a fantastic Dad because he’s been a fantastic husband since we were married in 2006. He puts up with both of our quirks and personalities with a sense of humor that never seems to end.
So there we are, your main cast. There’s a fantastic supporting cast you’ll see weave their way in and out of our lives, but I’ll take the time to introduce them later.
Please enjoy the glimpse into our crazy life!