Saturday, June 30, 2012

What’s in my handbag (Day 8)







Yup, I’m boring. I don’t carry a purse.  However, I do carry a diaper bag most of the time and that’s kind of like a purse.  So inside (aside from the more obvious answers of diapers, wipes and creams) I keep:  My ID, debit card, phone, a magazine and my iPad. 

Yup, it’s still not that exciting, but there ya go.

Friday, June 29, 2012

My Pet Peeves (Day 7)

I’m pretty laid back, but here are a few things that get me going;
1) People who drive past lane closed signs only to force their way in at the closure/last possible second.  The rest of us followed them, you can wait your turn now. Your time is no more valuable than anyone else waiting in line.
2) People who lie to me because they think I’m too stupid to figure out the truth. Guess what, I’m not. 
3) Generation “I’m so Unique” victims that thinks they are the only people who have ever done anything and deserve accolades for being adults.  Congrats on your baby, I don’t need constant updates on the baby’s dirty diapers.  I also don’t need you to stand on your soapbox and tell me how much better your baby fills it’s diaper than every other baby that’s ever existed. 
4) People that don’t understand Life is not fair.  It’s not, get over it. 
5) Arguing three and four year olds.  Listen, I have shoes older than you.  When I ask you to sit down to eat your food, that’s what I mean.  This is not up for discussion. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What are my five senses? (Day 6)

Sight:  Messy Living Room

Sound: Luke giggling

Smell: Bananas (our house always smells like bananas!)

Touch:  The scratchy couch

Taste:  My Crystal Light (Raspberry Lemonade)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

10 songs I love right now (Day 5)

It’s funny that this list contains such an eclectic mix, I’ve been feeling really retro lately and have been listening to a lot of songs that have held significance for me through my life.

God Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts (One of my favorites)
Stand -- Rascal Flatts (A great motivational song) 

  • Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith (So damn catchy!)
    Angel by My Side – Do (Been a favorite for years)
    Haven’t Met You Yet –Michael Buble (Luke’s Theme Song)
    I Would Die for That – Kellie Coffey (Huge personal signifigance)
    Amazed – Lonestar (Our first dance song)
    The Promise –Tracy Chapman (Another great song)
    ---- the last two, I give you links for ! Enjoy

    Walked down the aisle to this song

    The Song I want played at my funeral

    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    What I’m afraid of (Day 4)

    Letting this sweet face down

    ….. and zombies.  I really hate zombies. 

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    My favorite quote (Day 3)

    “You can’t leave footprints in the sands of time if you are sitting on your ass.  And really, who wants to leave ass prints in the sands of time?”

    Sunday, June 24, 2012

    …then my husband helped our son round the bases….

    Thanks to the generosity of a friend of ours, we took Luke to his first real baseball game. Now, as a die-hard hockey family, we never dreamt that he would be nervous about going to a baseball game.  But, sure enough, when we walked through the concourse, our normally happy sports fan, sported this face:


    Yup, that’s the face of a toddler who wasn’t sure if he should be enjoying this at all. 

    I need to pause here and state that I don’t normally dress my son (head to toe) like a Woodstock reject, but it was 70’s night and being the hippie I am, my son has a bit of tie dye hanging in his closet.  We took a loop through the stadium and then made our way to our seats. 


    Decent crowd, but not as crowded as I thought it would be.  We made our way to our seats and were relieved to see that we had a little room to spread out.  Matt went to grab us some food to munch on and the game was mostly uneventful.  Mostly because there was that one point where the entire bat flew up and landed three rows in front of us, but thankfully, no one was hurt.  Luke spent the first 6 innings snuggled up on one of us, but finally came out of his shell, even making a new friend!

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    Just in time for the fireworks. 

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    As soon as the first rockets red glare, he was back in Daddy’s lap like he was the last lifeboat from the Titanic.

    However, they were beautiful.

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    Once they were over, Luke and Matt went to go run the bases and give Johnny Chapman a highfive. 



    All well that ends well!

    A fun night, good food, fireworks, a TinCaps win, friends (old and new) and beautiful weather---all is well that ends well!

    20 Facts about me (Day 2)

    (From the 31 day blog challenge)
    1. I used to be part of a puppet ministry for children and I wanted to do puppetry professionally.
    2. I spent the summer between my junior and senior year of high school in Germany (and want to go back to visit!).
    3. I once took a friend to Canada just for lunch because I knew there was a McDonalds at the end of the toll bridge.
    4. I played piano and clarinet in high school (and was 1st chair clarinet for a few years).
    5. I used to act both in high school and in college (community theater).
    6. I love to watch Sid the Science kid, Phineas and Ferb and Little Einsteins (even when I’m the only one watching).
    7. I spent 6 summers working at Girl Scout camp. 
    8. I was accepted into the Disney college program and ended up not going.  Ironically, I started dating (and eventually married) Matt the semester I ended up staying home.
    9. I have shot two weddings and a handful of family picture sessions, but still feel like I have no clue what I’m doing.
    10. Despite all of my traveling, I’ve never been to NYC.
    11. In college, I was in a sorority and actually wore makeup and dresses somewhat frequently. 
    12. Matt and I were told we would never have children without medical intervention (IVF).
    13. I can (and love) making up songs on the fly at work, set to popular and common children and camp songs.
    14. I re-broke my arm inside the cast when I was a young child. 
    15. I hot glued my hand to my cheek as a young child.
    16. When I was younger, I wanted to be:  a circus clown, a marine biologist, a stand up comedian, a teacher, a journalist and a professional puppeteer.
    17. I love to cook, but rarely follow a recipe the way I should.
    18. I can juggle up to three balls at one time.
    19. I love to show little kids how to get the baby sea lion to come to me at the window of the exhibit at the zoo. (Hint: put a shiny coin/key ring up to the glass!)
    20. I’m horrible about following through with things like blogging or the 365 photo challenge. Open-mouthed smile

    Saturday, June 23, 2012

    Summer Bucket List


    Much like blogging, I have a habit of letting the time get away from me before I even realize it.  So, in an attempt to continue the theme of accountability, I’ve made a bucket list of things I want to get done before the first day of fall.  50 seems like a nice even number, right?


    1. Make a list of 50 things to do this summer!
    2. Complete the 31 day blogging challenge
    3. Go to the botanical gardens and take pictures (solo)
    4. Go on three girl dates with friends (no boys allowed, big OR small)
    5. Send 5 handwritten letters/cards to family or friends
    6. Identify 100 things that make me happy
    7. Spend a whole day without looking at my phone
    8. Spend a whole day without tv or computer  (Thanks power outage!)
    9. Read 3 books
    10. Try 3 new foods
    11. Complete 3 random acts of kindness
    12. Bake Cupcakes (and give them out)
    13. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
    14. Go a full day without swearing
    15. Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me
    16. Clean out the guest room
    17. Hang up the curtains in the guest room
    18. Pull out the bush on the side of the house
    19. Get rid of 100 things
    20. Visit a farmers market
    21. Watch Fireworks
    22. See a parade
    23. Play in the sprinkler
    24. Blow Bubbles
    25. Eat Popsicles outside
    26. Go Swimming
    27. Have a spray bottle/squirt gun fight
    28. Play at a splash pad
    29. Make s’mores
    30. Catch fireflies
    31. Go to a festival
    32. Get family photos taken
    33. Go to a concert
    34. Go to the movies (Luke’s first trip to the movie theater!)
    35. See a drive-in movie
    36. Go to a baseball game
    37. Go to the playground
    38. Play in the rain
    39. Eat shaved ice
    40. Go to a story time
    41. Watch the Olympics
    42. Make Lemonade from scratch
    43. Make breakfast for dinner
    44. Ice Cream Sundae party
    45. Go to the library
    46. Go on 3 date nights with just us
    47. Try a new restaurant
    48. Have a candlelight dinner
    49. Plan our anniversary (weekend getaway?)
    50. Play a game together

    Well hello there! (Day 1)

    So, welcome to my blog.  I’m notoriously bad at maintaining blogs and such, but since I’m going to publish this one to just about everyone I know, I’m hoping that that kind of accountability will keep this going the way it needs to.  Lord knows I need someone keeping me on track sometimes!
    On the slight chance that you’re reading this and don’t know who I am, allow me to introduce myself: 
    Ok, so that’s a picture of me from High School, but if you can be impressed by a high school me, then the way I am now is going to be much more awesome.  I’m almost thirty, a wife, a mom, a teacher, a photographer, a traveller, a wanna-be foodie and now, the scariest of all, a home owner.  I literally have no idea what I’m doing most of the time, but making it up as I go along seems to be working thus far!
    Yup, that’s me, next to the baby.  Believe it or not, that’s my Luke…ignore the blonde hair and the fact that he looks nothing like me in this picture, or in most pictures, or in real life actually, he’s mine.  He looks like his Dad, but that personality and temper---no one else can claim that genetic glory. 
    However, this picture is from last fall, before he turned one.   What’s he up to these days, you ask? 
    Yup, my little man is almost two.  I’m honestly surprised he’s still hanging around.  I mean, I know he’s a toddler, but you’d think his survival instinct would have kicked in by now!

    This is the wonderful guy who, for whatever reason, decided it seemed like a good idea to marry me.
    I can’t even say I’m surprised he’s a fantastic Dad because he’s been a fantastic husband since we were married in 2006.  He puts up with both of our quirks and personalities with a sense of humor that never seems to end. 

    So there we are, your main cast.  There’s a fantastic supporting cast you’ll see weave their way in and out of our lives, but I’ll take the time to introduce them later. 

    Please enjoy the glimpse into our crazy life!