Today is day zero. The start of 1001 days that will end January 25, 2016.
101 goals, sounds easy, right? Should be easy. It's always harder than what it seems.
- Participate in a 5k
- Get (yet ANOTHER) pair of glasses (Thanks to Luke, my old new pair are broken)
- Do something that's just for me
- Learn something new
- Try 10 new foods
- Eat at 10 new restaurants
- Go someplace completely new to me
- Write a letter to future me
- Write 100 things that make me happy
- Make a top 10 list of quotes
- Top 10 personal experiences of my life thus far
- Make a top 50 list of favorite movies
- Re-certify my CDA
- Make a top 10 bucket list of places to visit and things to do
- Read 5 new books
Marriage and Family:
- Take a small weekend getaway trip with just Matt
- Read "The Five Love Languages"
- Take Luke to Disney World
- Write letters to Luke for him to open at important life events (just in case)
- Teach Luke to read
- Get rid of all things diaper
- Take Luke to his first full-length movie in the theater
- Take Luke to the Drive-in
- Go back to the Indy children's museum
- Take Luke back to the beach
- Watch 26 movies as a family (including at least 10 classics) to correspond to every letter of the alphabet
- Spend the Fourth of the July watching fireworks
- Top 10 things I love about Matt
- Have at least 5 parties at the house
- Make it a point to have regular girls nights out
- Keep in regular communication with friends and extended family
- Bring in treats for co-workers at least once
- Make a new friend
- Get the bathroom shower stall finished
- Get Living Room painted
- Replace front curtains
- Install clothes line
- Start small garden
- Have a garage sale
- Participate in at least one volunteer experience
- Pay it forward for at least three people
- See one live and local play
- Listen to a live music group play
- Get a nice camera and new lenses
- Enter a contest
I have a copy of "The Five Love Languages". Three things in one swoop: book, contact, and girl's night.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.